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You've been asking for help in making relationships more understandable. You've wondered if this could somehow feel easier, more connected and liberated at the same time. We are answering that call.


If you are ready to become more relationally empowered – then join Carla and Christina for this one-day in-person retreat to transform your love life.

Do you wish you had the tools to communicate more skillfully with a partner?

Are you tired of repeating the same patterns/having the same fights/dating the same type of people? 

Do you long for a more intimate connection and are unsure of how to get there?

Do you want to open your heart more and find that fear gets in your way?

Do you struggle to feel loved and connected?

Do you ever feel like you are failing at relationships?


This special event will set the stage for all of us to have more loving relationships, regardless of whether you are currently romantically involved or not.

Hear more from Christina and Carla

What our previous workshop attendees have to say about working with Christina & Carla:


“This inspired a profound deep feeling of hope for humanity. I think you should do it again, and again and again. So powerful.” - SP


“The best part of the workshop was being part of a group that are here for the same reason and are willing to share. I thought the workshop was very well done, the presenters were very charismatic and knowledgeable. I pulled tools from this class that I believe will help me in my relationship. Thank you!" - CC

“Thank you for allowing me to open myself up and my heart. I am grateful for the opportunity my husband and I will have, after today, to make positive changes in the way we connect and communicate.” - DB


I enjoyed the heart centred, clear and calm teaching from you both.  The exercises were great as well.  We both felt reconnected at a deeper level. Taking the time for the course really brought us closer.  - M & D

I wanted to send an e-mail and thank you for such a fantastic workshop. We are so grateful for the gift of being able to attend. We shed tears, embraced each other, and learned SO much. This was exactly what we needed and more. - S & B

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the couples retreat workshop you and Christina put on this past weekend. My wife and I had a great time. We enjoyed the gentleness of the exercises and found everything really lovely from the both of you. - C & J

The workshop was wonderful and so helpful, we had such fun and it made us feel such a renewed connection! - M & T


to admit that romantic relationships are challenging/changing?

People are waking up to the idea that our relationships have the potential to be much more than we’ve been taught.  


Loving, intimate relationships have a certain kind of magic, an aliveness that creates joy, healing and growth. It allows each member to stand in the fullest expression of themselves, knowing they are loved and supported for who they are. You communicate effectively, handle your conflicts and feel safer in this world.


Sounds great, right? The reality is that these types of relationships don’t just happen; they are created. They require truth, commitment and the tools of relational intelligence.


But most of us have not been taught the basics of how to have a healthy, loving and fulfilling relationship. It is just a fact, not a fault. When we can accept this, we are ready to reach out and accept the support of others to learn, grow and do better.


This is why coming together to learn more about how to create healthy, fulfilling relationships is so important. The majority of people are not talking about it, not learning about it, and didn’t have great role models. Prioritize building your relational toolbox so that you can create the relationship you truly desire with much greater ease.


We have created this experience for YOU!  It’s time to step into what is possible for your relationships. You have been craving a modern roadmap for success in your love life and want the tools to get there. Let us show you how.

By the end of the day you will:


Feel more empowered to create the kind of relationship you have dared to dream of, with an expanded understanding of what it means to be truly loving and relational.


Reignite your clarity and excitement for what is possible in your love life.


Be more connected to yourself and see how that will act as a guide to positively impact current and future romance.


Be able to identify your tendencies, responses and behaviour patterns that are blocking you from getting what you truly want.


Feel inspired  to open your heart wider and learn to truly connect with another.


Take new awareness and fresh perspectives into your current and future relationships that will amplify the magic that is waiting to be discovered.


Carla brings a deep and divine wisdom in these sessions, connecting with curiosity and compassion as she helps explore, uncover, and retrieve an inner knowing and intuition and providing skills to access that inner resourcing. I'm so grateful and hope to continue learning from her for many years to come. ~ Nicole Lindsay

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Christina is a highly regarded and engaging facilitator. She possesses deep knowledge of how we operate as human beings with significant expertise in how to navigate relationships to create deep caring and intimacy.  She really is one of a kind… so fun, so smart and so effective in delivering transformational education so people can step up to live their best lives. - Pam Lewis, Director & Program Leader, Excellence Seminars International


We want you to get the absolute MOST out of this workshop experience. Which is why we are suggesting that you get fully away from your regular life on October 21st and book a room at the Sandman Signature hotel for Saturday night after the workshop.


The Sandman Signature hotel is offering special pricing for our workshop participants for stays on Friday, October 20th and/or Saturday, October 21st . Save almost 20% on the Signature King or Two Queens Room, the Corporate King Suite or the Signature King Suite.


The special coupon code will be provided after your registration.


This is about you enjoying a beautiful evening and next morning after the workshop where you have time and space for reflection, integration and inspiration.


Being able to have un-disturbed space after the workshop where you can both be fully relaxed and receptive will help support the most impact in your relationship.




No matter what sort of relationship you have or have been in, you have undoubtedly taken on a role.  Understanding how you show up with the people that are important in our lives helps you to become more comfortable with vulnerability and intimacy and also invites compassion into our experience.

We all have a specific relational “blueprint” based on our conditioning, attachment styles, trauma and experiences. Some of those ways of showing up are disempowering and limit our relational fulfillment. Even when we have tools, they can be difficult to implement if we are not aware of how we are getting in our own way.


Clarity on who you are as a relational being, opens the door to a much more fulfilling connection to yourself, and to “the other”.



A lot of what we have been taught about a long-term partnership is more designed for the institution of marriage rather than supporting two people to reach the achievement of one’s full potential within a relationship.


The origins of marriage were more concerned with food, shelter, safety, pro-creation and the exchange of property. While today many people feel that partners should also satisfy each other’s emotional needs - acceptance, support and love. All good things!


We will explore what conscious relating really is and how you can make the shift from ordinary to extraordinary in your relationships.

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Relational intelligence starts with insight. I gather the tools to KNOW BETTER, and then get the support to move out of old patterns so that I can DO BETTER.


Relationships have impact on all areas of our lives. We feel this deeply when they are not working, and also benefit greatly when they do. Better relationships increase our mental health, physical health and life expectancy.


When we are more satisfied in our relationships we are simply happier people. We are less lonely and have a more positive outlook on life. We feel safer and become more trusting of the world as a whole. 





There is something magical about bringing a group of people together who all want the same thing.


To learn. To listen. To reveal.


The commonality of realizing that you are not alone in your struggles to reveal who you really are, who you were born to be, provides an incredible launching pad for self-discovery.


Community is key to the health of relationships. We see how much more the same we are than different. And from this place we stretch ourselves to be more authentic, more genuine, more connected. There is a deep feeling of support that arises when we let ourselves be seen and heard by others. We feel nourished and we cultivate courage. As we come together to improve ourselves, quantum shifts become possible for all of us.


Christina is the guide we have all been looking for. Her wisdom, compassion and loving humor resonates with this new generation of relationship growth seekers. She speaks and teaches from the heart. She is magical, yet grounded and engaging. Her work is powerful, important and necessary. I am a better person, parent and partner because of her. - Jane Jewitt

When I started on this journey as a continuation of a lot of healing and self work, I didn't know what to expect, and what I received were some amazing tools and support to really engage with myself at a level that I have not done before. I am a point in my life where I AM FREE, but was still really attached to the burdens that I had attached to myself. Carla was able to work through these with me until I was able to see my own freedom and to actually grasp it, internalize it, engage with it and celebrate it.  - Sandra Shannon


Your registration includes: The full day workshop with Christina and Carla from 9am-5pm, a delicious catered lunch and morning/afternoon coffee & tea.

$199 per person or $189 per person if 2 tix purchased after September 30th



$169 per person before September 30th


Buy more and SAVE!

$159 per person if 2 are purchased at the same time, before September 30th. Bring a partner or bring a friend!

Christina Bianchini is a dynamic and powerful speaker, therapist and educator who brings deep insight into the power of attachment, the resilience of the spirit, and the expansiveness of the heart.  Her presentations are resonant with humour, insight, spontaneity and deep connection to both her subject and her audience. Christina's love and empathy for people, her hope in the face of adversity, and her connection to joy create an experience of connection that is unique and transformative. - Dahne Harding

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I love Carla! I’ve been following her for over a decade because she continually and authentically loves me unconditionally and helps me to understand myself and grow to get the most out of life. She helps me let go of things that no longer serve me and allows me to feel so loved and appreciated. I am able to be myself and just feel and experience joy. That is what Carla does for me. - Kathy Hart

  • Who is this workshop for?
    This workshop is for anyone who is interested in relationships - maybe you are newly dating, have been together for years, or single. Things may feel stagnant or you just want to notch it up. We also recognize that relationships come in all kinds of shapes, sizes and orientations, and what we have to share is applicable to all types of relationships, including whether you are a couple or have multiple partners. Everyone is welcome to attend.
  • What if I am single and not in a relationship?
    Singles are absolutely invited and encouraged to attend! This workshop is for anyone who is interested in up leveling current or future relationships.
  • What do you recommend for us to have the BEST experience possible?
    We want you to get the absolute MOST out of this workshop experience. Which is why we are suggesting that you get fully away from your regular life on October 21st and book a room at the Sandman Signature hotel for Saturday night after the workshop. The Sandman Signature hotel is offering special pricing for our workshop participants for stays on Friday, October 20th and/or Saturday, October 21st . Save almost 20% on the Signature King or Two Queens Room, the Corporate King Suite or the Signature King Suite. The special coupon code will be provided after your registration. This is about you enjoying a beautiful evening and next morning after the workshop where you have time and space for reflection, integration and inspiration. Being able to have un-disturbed space after the workshop where you can both be fully relaxed and receptive will help support the most impact in your relationship.
  • What if I have special dietary needs?
    The Sandman Signature can accommodate vegetarian and gluten free options. You will have an opportunity to let us know of any special requests closer to the workshop date.The hotel is able to accommodate food allergies or restrictions with advanced notice. This includes a specific food allergy (ie; no tomatoes, celiac/gluten free) or restriction (vegan/vegetarian). If you have a specific food allergy or restriction, please send us a message when you purchase your tickets. The hotel may not be able to accommodate last minute requests.
  • What happens after I register?
    Once you register, you’ll get a confirmation email from us that you’re in! Closer to the event, we will be sharing all the details you need for the day and to make experience as amazing as possible. You are always able to contact one of us personally to ask questions - you can reach Carla at and Christina at

Christina Bianchini is a Registered Professional Counsellor, relationship expert, international speaker, and personal development workshop facilitator. Founder of Repiphany Counselling, Christina is passionate about igniting individuals to realize what is possible when they fully open their hearts to creating connected, fun, and healthy relationships. She leverages over a decade of experience in psychology and relational science to teach people how to be more loving. Christina is highly regarded as a dynamic, humorous and engaging speaker and powerfully connects to the audience on a real and intimate level.

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Carla Wainwright is a certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach through The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, as well as a Sexual Awakening mentor and long-time embodiment and breath work facilitator. For the past three decades, she has immersed herself in exploring what it means to be a thriving human, to be literally turned on by life - as an individual and in relationship. A seeker of truth and authenticity, Carla's passion is supporting people to heal, transform and awaken to the power of allowing love to be the guiding force in their lives.

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Working with Carla showed me how to start my healing journey toward that life experience and myself as a woman. Carla has an amazing and magical way of creating a safe and sacred place for you to do your hard heart work.  She patiently lets you go at your own pace in looking at your shadow self with only light, love and lots of compassion. I have never felt safe enough to let my guard down with a woman. However, not only did I truly feel safe with this divine light being named Carla Wainwright, but I learned to slowly at my own pace let my guard down one woman at a time. Carla, I offer you this old ancient word which rolls off my indigenous tongue to you and raise my arms up in thanks. “NENACHIDYA” (You have done me great honour) Carla. - Jolene Prince, Nak’azdli Whut’en

Christina has a special and unique gift to truly connect to people, allowing themselves to be seen and heard in ways they likely have never experienced before. It is what makes watching her at the front of the room such a wondrously magical experience. She is a captivating leader who’s a champion of teaching people how to know themselves and their important relationships in ever deepening and meaningful ways. If you ever have an opportunity to behold the valuable and passionate contributions Christina makes through her leadership, you can guarantee that shifts and change will occur as she is such an example of what living in alignment with our most authentic selves can look like.- Tanya Horne

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